Headquarters for Digital Market Competition


[Sep 27, 2019] Establishment of Headquarters for Digital Market Competition(PDF:126KB)
[Oct 4, 2019] Five issues on Digital Market Competition Council(PDF:139KB)
[Dec 17, 2019] Approaches to a bill on improving transparency of transactions of digital platform operators(PDF:96KB)
Public Comments [Japanese]: https://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&id=060112181&Mode=3
[Dec 17, 2019] Digital advertising market [Points to be considered further](PDF:148KB)
Public Comments [Japanese]: https://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&id=060112182&Mode=3
[Feb 18, 2020] Summary of a Bill on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Specified Digital Platforms(PDF:166KB)
Relevant documents [Japanese]: https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2019/02/20200218001/20200218001.html
[Jun 16, 2020] Interim Report on the Evaluation of Competition in the Digital Advertising Market : Summary(PDF:358KB)
[Jun 16, 2020] Report on Medium-Term Vision on Competition in the Digital Market : Summary(PDF:200KB)
[Apr 5, 2021]
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver1.0 Executive Summary
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver1.0 Executive Summary(PDF:154KB)
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver1.0 Overview(PDF:523KB)
[Apr 27, 2021] Evaluation of Competition in the Digital Advertising Market - Final Report : Summary(PDF:1,400KB)
[Ap 26, 2022] Interim Report of Competition Assessment of Mobile Ecosystem (Summary)(PDF:2,002KB)
[Apr 26, 2022] Interim Report of Competition Assessment of New Customer Contact Points (Summary) (PDF:567KB)
[May 30, 2022] Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver1.0 Overview(Revised) (PDF:567KB)
[Sep 30, 2022]
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver2.0 Executive Summary
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver2.0 Executive Summary(PDF:238KB)
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver2.0 Overview(PDF:1,679KB)
[Jun 16, 2023] Competition Assessment of the Mobile Ecosystem Final Report : Summary (PDF:2,023KB)
※On August 7, 2023, a typographical error was found on page 24, which has been corrected.
  Before correction: described in 6-1
  After correction: described in 6-2
[Nov 8, 2023] Results of the G7 Joint Competition Enforcers and Policymakers Summit(PDF:114KB)
「G7 Competition Authorities and Policymakers' Summit Digital Competition Communiqué」(PDF:259KB)
「Compendium of approaches to improving competition in digital markets」(PDF:1,298KB)
「G7 inventory of new rules for digital markets」(PDF:5,252KB)
「G7 inventory of new rules for digital markets_analytical note」(PDF:1,657KB)
[Jun 25, 2024]
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver.3.0 Executive Summary
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver.3.0 Executive Summary(PDF:198KB)
Trusted Web Whitepaper Ver.3.0 Overview(PDF:2,096KB)


・Japan Fair Trade Commission(JFTC)
-Guidelines Concerning Abuse of a Superior Bargaining Position:
-Guidelines Concerning Review of Business Combination:
・Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC)
-Act on the Protection of Personal Information “The Every-Three-Year Review" Outline of the System Reform:


・Secretariat of the Headquarters for Digital Market Competition
-Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Office, Cabinet Secretariat
-Office of Policy Planning and Research for Digital Markets, General Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Japan Fair Trade Commission